The ASFMC Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Board has approved state proposals for 2012 summer flounder, black sea bass, and scup recreational fisheries.
Over the next two months, Virginia and other states will select one of the approved proposals for the 2012 fishing year and publish their regulations upon implementation.
Also approved was Addendum XXII to the Fishery Management Plan, which applies only to black sea bass. Addendum XXII replaces coastwide recreational management measures for the second consecutive year and attempts to again mitigate potential disproportionate impacts to some Mid-Atlantic states whose landings have declined markedly in recent years.
In 2011, Addendum XXI established state-by-state measures, requiring states from Massachusetts to New Jersey, plus North Carolina to cut black sea bass harvests by 37% to 43% to meet the coastwide recreational target.
Addendum XXII establishes a regional management approach which allows the northern region states (Massachusetts to New Jersey) to collectively liberalize up to 57%.
The southern region states (Delaware to North Carolina) have committed to implementing black sea bass limits that are consistent with proposed regulations for federal waters (the 25 fish, 12.5 inches TL minimum fish size, and an open season from May 19 to October 14 and November 1 to December 31). Over the next two months, states will submit proposed recreational measures for Technical Committee review and Board approval.
The states of New Jersey to North Carolina have implemented status quo measures for the 2012 scup recreational fishery.
source: ASFMC