Mid-Atlantic Recreational Fishing Statistics

black sea bass and sailors choiceA recently released summary of recreational fishing statistics from NOAA Fisheries provides an insight into the popularity of recreational fishing in the Mid Atlantic region.

Mid-Atlantic Recreational Fishing Statistics Highlights:

In 2015 2 million anglers took 12.4 million fishing trips in the Mid-Atlantic spending $3.5 billion on trips and durable goods.


Nearly two thirds (63%) of all recreational fishing trips in the Mid-Atlantic targeted 10 popular recreational species:

summer flounder
striped bass
Atlantic croaker
black sea bass
scup (porgies)
winter flounder.


2015 Total Catch (numbers of fish harvested + released):

summer flounder 10,866,000
Atlantic croaker 7,973,000
striped bass 6,358,000
black sea bass 6,332,000
scup (porgies) 4,251,000
bluefish 4,247,000
spot 2,241,00
tautog 2,101,000
weakfish 547,000
winter flounder 29,000


Mid-Atlantic Recreational Fishing Trips:
11% For Hire
49% Private
40% Shore